
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Building a Beautiful Life

Ok. I figured it out. Why was I losing interest in this blog? Why couldn't it fully take one direction and just go with it?

I was spending too much time on the "wishes" part. I was posting too much about what I was wishing for, what pins I found that depicted the home, or life, or party I wanted to have, etc.

I have decided to try something a little simpler and closer to the life I currently have. Instead of just pinning about that life I want, I'm going to start trying to attain that life. This will be all about me  building my own beautiful life.

It's an apropos time for me to start this. I am 27 years old, engaged to be married in October (52 days to go!), working in NYC, and recently moved into a new apartment that will be our home when we are married. This blog will be about my journey, from decorating our new apartment, to getting used to making dinner for two, to evolving my style to a more mature and polished look, to throwing dinner parties, figuring out exactly how to use all of those gifts I registered for, and remembering to clean, while ALWAYS drinking Champagne and remembering to laugh.

(But let's call a spade a spade - clearly I will still be pinning.)

View of the city from my new neighborhood - it doesn't get old!

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