
Friday, November 4, 2011

Holiday Cards

So, I know some of you are probably reading the title of this post and thinking "she's crazy it's only November 3rd", but now is the time to start thinking about these things. I went and bought mine at Papyrus yesterday and used my Friends & Family code to get 30% off - (I'll share it here with you - to redeem online enter: SCFFNV and in stores just mention it and they will usually give you the discount - the sale only goes until Sunday, November 6). I like to buy a variety of cards so I have some for Christmas and some for my friends who don't celebrate Christmas (I'll share my selections with you soon).

Finding the time to get organized and get holiday cards out on time can get away from us all. Here is a time line that may help you stay on track!

  1. Start compiling the list of people you would like to send to tonight. This will help you estimate how many cards you need to purchase or order. 
  2. Purchase your cards at the latest 1 week from today - November 11th. If you are having cards made, dedicate this weekend to designing them and sending the copy out to your printer.
  3. I like to using sealing wax on my envelopes, so I wait until I know what color the envelopes are to then purchase complimentary wax colors. (To find sealing wax and stamps go to a website such as Nostalgic Impressions or even Amazon).
  4. Designate one night on each of the following 2 weekends to sit down and write your cards. I usually like to do this on a Sunday night - so I will be doing this Sunday, November 13th and Sunday, November 20th.
    • This is the fun part! Pick a great holiday movie to have on in the background.
      Suggestions: Love Actually, White Christmas, the Family Stone.
    • Choose a good bottle of wine to have on hand for the evening.
      Suggestions: Pol Roger Brut Réserve (runs about $35 in NYC), or Alamos Malbec (about $12 in NYC)
    • Take your time, you don't have to write a novel to everyone, but make it thoughtful. 
  5. Put them in the mail! I like to put mine in the mail the day before or after Thanksgiving - that way they get there in perfect timing and you have the rest of December to spend on other holiday fun! 

    1 comment:

    1. i love this post, elise! i get obsessive when it comes to holiday cards, and i can't stop buying them (literally bought 2 more box sets last night at anthro even tho i already purchased this year's cards 2 weeks ago, what is wrong with me?! (note: don't answer that lol)). i don't get them out quite as awesomely early as you do, but i shoot for early in december as well, before everyone gets too busy to open their mail and enjoy it!

      i love that you close your envelopes with sealing wax, that's so precious. my little touch is that i pick a different quote each year that has to do with christmas (a song lyric, a piece of how the grinch stole christmas, etc) and tuck it into each card. still working on what this year's will be!

      enjoy the card-writing process. i love sitting down with tea, a christmas movie (good choices above, btw!), and my cards

      wow this is the longest comment ever :)


    Thank you for your lovely thoughts!