
Thursday, September 29, 2011

iPad 2

Work has been a bit crazy this morning so I'm sorry for the late post (I guess I should just schedule these to post automatically in the morning). I recently got an iPad 2 for work and now I am shopping around for the perfect case of it. Of course these will have to change seasonally, so here are some of my tops picks for Fall and Winter!

Wool Felt and Leather case
(via ribandhull's Etsy Shop)
Leather Saddle case in Tan
(via JepsenLeatherGoods' Etsy Shop)
Light Grey Colonial Case
(via WillowandCompany's Etsy Shop)
Tartan Green Case - (perfect for Chrismas!!)
(via Jositajosi's Etsy Shop)
Grey Crocodile Portfolio - (this would be great for work travel)
(via Farragobags' Etsy Shop)
Green Duchess Case - ok this one isn't so much fall/winter, but I had to share it - it's so cute!
(via Helekstudio's Etsy Shop)

Which one is your favorite?

1 comment:

Thank you for your lovely thoughts!