
Friday, August 26, 2011

Finally Friday!

This has been one of the toughest weeks in a while, so I am beyond happy that it's Friday! I'll be escaping the city and spending the weekend with my family. Hopefully I will avoid the madness of the masses trying to flee the city as it will most likely be evacuated Saturday morning for Hurricane Irene! I am looking forward to getting "stormed in" with the family - cooking, playing board games, wine, old movies...I hope all of you on the East Coast stay safe, and those elsewhere have a great weekend.

My mom cheated and bought pumpkin coffee before fall -
but i'm looking forward to having it this weekend!
(image via Pham Fatale)
I got Apples to Apples a few Christmases ago, and it is now a family favorite! I highly suggest it.
(to buy)
My mom makes AMAZING peach pancakes!
(image via Better Homes & Gardens)
And a really good movie....perhaps Waking Ned Devine
Happy weekend lovelies!

1 comment:

  1. hope everything is alright over on the east coast! apples to apples is one of my all time favorite games!


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