

Hi! I'm Elise, some people call me LeLe. I am living in Jersey City, planning my wedding to an amazing man, and beginning the life I feel like I have been waiting for forever!

I Adore:
My family - the Ocean - Celebrating my birthday for a month - Champagne (always) - Books (especially my collection of Kennedy books. Most of which have gone unread thus far) - The Cape - Holidays - Manhattan - Christmas lights - Elephants - Dresses (I strive to be more like my grandmother who never wore pants a day in her life) - The Yankees - Coloring (yes in a coloring book) - Photographs - Magazines - Brunch - Entertaining and Celebrations - Sparklers - Flowers - Find a perfect new perfume scent - Candles

I Loathe:
Full denim outfits - Grown people speaking to one another in baby voices - Tremendously bad grammar - Purposely mispronouncing words - Styrofoam being pulled out of cardboard boxes